Bryan Windmills Colac the Company

Sungazer Stud

Bryan Windmills Colac the Company


The Company was started by the Bryan family and included several brothers Archie Mark BRYAN, Thomas Pearce BRYAN and George BRYAN and adeptly named BRYAN BROS. This was around 1888. There were two factories one in Colac and one in Footscray. Today the company is Operated as Bryan Windmills still in Colac although they have moved since the original factory.

Bryan Bros Ad

 I sent off an email to the contact on the website on a Sunday hoping to get a reply sometime in the next week but to my surprise I received an email from Peter Morrissy the owner of Bryan Windmills as they are now named. Great customer service you really couldn't get much better. My dad who was born and raised in Colac and I travelled to the new factory at 2-8 Wilson Street Colac. We took all the parts to the factory to see what information I could gain. The first reaction was "I have never seen one of those it may not be ours" but I was not fobbed off quite the opposite we took all the parts out into the factory to ask the head engineer who had worked for the company a long time. He too didn't recognise the particular gearbox. However we looked at one of their big windmill gearboxes that was also a cast iron model and the similarities made it undeniable that it was in fact one of theirs.

We spent about 3 hours with them going over the Windmill with them identifying parts that were worn, and being given ideas on how to either replace the entire piece or repair it. The time went so fast talking about how the windmill worked and how to take it apart what parts were missing, what the parts looked like today ect. When my dad and I were back in the car we both were so surprised at how helpful they had been giving their time and expertise to us.




This first meeting was enough to convince me that they were a company that would go out of their way to make sure you were fully satisfied with your interaction with them. I would recommend Bryan Windmills of Colac to anybody, but there was more to come than this first meeting that only confirmed their level of customer service so give Pete a call or send him an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. For any of your windmill, irrigation, tanks and tank stands, or solar pump needs.







Bryan Windmills Website: www.bryanwindmills.com.au Contact Email: info@bryanwindmills.com.au
2-8 Wilson St
Colac 3250




Pete Morrissy
0429 321020